Tuesday, September 2, 2008


What I'm doing to be successful at Hope Street, isn't really that hard to do. I am just doing my work and showing up to school every day. I get all my work handed in whenever the work is due. If I miss a day of school or something, I ask all my teachers what I missed, and when the missed work will be due. I don't procrastinate, which I learned my lesson already with that. I also don't skip, which is really hard not to, because there is like a million things I would rather be doing and be at than school. But I know that education comes first, so I just do whatever I can to get school over with as soon as I can. Right now I'm doing pretty good at being successful, well at least so far, but I hope I can be for the rest of this year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will help you whenever you need it. - Dad